Label Mark

The DSLA Secure mark communicates the security and privacy level and diligence of a device; and adds immediate recognition & information value to the manufacturer’s device labels, packaging materials, and web pages.

Using the www.dsla.id/###### short-link URL, the DSLA Secure mark quickly and easily identifies the device’s security level it is certified to, as well as its security profile web page.

*Currently in private Beta

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The Online ID For Device Security & Privacy

The DSLA Secure mark signifies a device manufacturer’s commitment to the security and privacy capabilities of their devices.

Each DSLA label mark identifies the security level the manufacturer has built and tested to for the device.

DSLA Secure Icon Set.png

Four Rating Levels For Device Needs

The DSLA Secure label mark supports four levels of use based on a threat and risk-based approach that guides the determination of appropriate level for the device.


The DSLA Secure mark instantly communicates which security level the device or module is secured to according to DSLA security framework criteria. The short link URL then allows immediate viewing of the security and privacy support details of that device through a browser.